This Game is Based On my Old game  Moving Light.

There is only one level and it's just a playground to test the game.

This game is made for Improve My Game Jam 25.It's a 2D speed-based platformer .

Boost - C on the keyboard , RT on the gamepad 

Dive Dash - X on the keyboard , B on the Gamepad (When held until reaching the floor you lose all your speed , pressing it once while in air will keep your speed )

Dash - Z on the keyboard, LT on the Gamepad

Move - Arrows on the keyboard, Left Stick on the Gamepad

Jump - Space on the keyboard, A on the Gamepad

Climb - While on a wall, hold jump and dash (For some reason crashes in the windows version. I'm trying to fix that.)

Jumping at the end of a ramp will give you extra height.

About the bars:

White bar - Shows how much boost left

Green bar - Speedometer

Blue bar - Health

There is NO way to damage the enemies (at least currently)

Play as fast as you can.

Project Light's  Devlog

-The Game is not finished yet. A lot of things must be done , this is a prototype.-


Project Light-0_1_0-windows.zip 82 MB

Install instructions

Click on the Download button ,

Right click on "Project Light-0_1_0-windows.zip"

Choose"Extract to..."

Open the extracted folder and run "Project Light.exe"

Development log


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(1 edit)

Looks like no one likes prototypes.I am sad.